Welcome to Shubbak.de!

Shubbak.de is a non-profit educational platform that provides students, educational units and policy makers with both technical and policy consultancy services.

On the several pages of our website, we present projects, ideas, research papers, and course works in Engineering, Economics and Management, as well as quotations from some recommended books, movies and literature pieces.

In Shubbak.de, we deeply believe in the innovation capability and huge potential that is gifted in all human beings regardless of their races or geographical origins. From our perspective, this rich diversity is seen as a gold mine, which with thorough prospecting and accurate purification can definitely yield precious outcome. For this reason, we support free open-source learning for everyone.

In our vision, learning, teaching, scientific research, knowledge creation and sharing are the things that give meaning to our lives. They indeed color our life with shiny bright colors, and illuminate the path for the next generations.

[The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr Morris Lessmore, a short movie by MOONBOT Studios]

No matter how long a human being’s life is, one day it ends. Useful knowledge is the only thing that remains afterwards. It keeps flying in the sky until it finds a new curious person who holds it and develops it further. For this reason, scholars live much longer than their own ages.

We hope you will find useful knowledge in our website, and we look forward to seeing you here again!